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Table 3 Eligibly criteria.

From: A randomized comparative study of patients undergoing myocardial revascularization with or without cardiopulmonary bypass surgery: The MASS III Trial


Male or female age 18 years or older.

Patients with stable angina pectoris and/or documented ischemia due to multivessel disease and preserved ventricular function.

Angiographically confirmed multivessel CAD lesions with ≥70% in at least 2 major epicardial vessels and at least 2 separate coronary artery territories: LAD, LCX, and RCA.

Patients who are eligible for coronary surgery both with and without cardiopulmonary bypass circuit.

Nonsignificant left main stenoses can be included.

Willing to comply with all follow-up study visits.

Signed and received a copy of the informed consent.


Age under 18 years

Severe congestive hearth failure NYHA Class III or IV or pulmonary edema.

Prior valve replacement or CABG coronary surgery.

Prior PCI with stent implantation within 6 months.

Prior stroke within 6 months or patients with stroke at more than 6 months with significant residual neurological involvement, as reflected in a Rankin score > 1.

Need for concomitant major surgery, eg, valve replacement, resection ventricular aneurysm, congenital heart disease vascular surgery of the carotid artery, or thoracic-abdominal aorta.

Concomitant medical disorders making clinical follow-up at least 5 years unlikely or impossible, eg, neoplasic, hepatic, or other severe disease.

Q-wave myocardial infarction in the previous 6 weeks.

Hemorrhagic diathesis or hypercoagulability.

Thoracic deformations technically precluding surgery without extracorporeal circulation.

Unable to give informed consent.