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Table 3 Description of outcomes with analysis metric, aggregation method, and time points in sub-cohort

From: Probiotic supplementation and risk of necrotizing enterocolitis and mortality among extremely preterm infants—the Probiotics in Extreme Prematurity in Scandinavia (PEPS) trial: study protocol for a multicenter, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, and registry-based randomized controlled trial

Outcome variables sub cohort

Outcome variables - feeding tolerance

Analysis metrics

Method of aggregation

Time point

Enteral nutrition

Number of days until full enteral feeds


During study intervention (until 34 weeks of gestational age)

Parental nutrition

Number of days with parental nutrition


During study intervention (until 34 weeks of gestational age)

Interruptions of enteral nutrition

Number of enteral nutrition interruptions >8 h


During study intervention (until 34 weeks of gestational age)

Enteral nutrition decreased due to clinical instability

Number of EN decrease >50%


During study intervention (until 34 weeks of gestational age)

Use of breastmilk fortifiers

Number of days until breastmilk fortifiers is induced


During study intervention (until 34 weeks of gestational age)

Feeding tube requirement

Number of days requiring a feeding tube


During study intervention and until 40 weeks of gestational age

Macronutrient intake

Amount of macronutrients given (kcal/kg/day)


During study intervention (until 34 weeks of gestational age)

Micronutrient intake

Amount of micronutrients given (μg or mg/kg/day)


During study intervention (until 34 weeks of gestational age)

Outcome variables - postnatal growth


Attaining birth weight

Number of days


After attaining birth weight after normal initial weight loss postpartum

Body weight



1. Once every week during study intervention

2. 40 weeks of gestational age

3. 3 months of corrected age

4. 12 months of corrected age

5. 2.5 years of corrected age

6. 5.5 years of age

Body length



1. Once every week during study intervention

2. 40 weeks of gestational age

3. 3 months of corrected age

4. 12 months of corrected age

5. 2.5 years of corrected age

6. 5.5 years of age

Head circumference



1. Once every week during study intervention

2. 40 weeks of gestational age

3. 3 months of corrected age

4. 12 months of corrected age

5. 2.5 years of corrected age

6. 5.5 years of age

Growth chart Z-score

Reference Niklasson [73] and Fenton [74]

Standard deviation

1. Once every week during study intervention

2. 40 weeks of gestational age

3. 3 months of corrected age

4. 12 months of corrected age

5. 2.5 years of corrected age

6. 5.5 years of age

Body composition

Fat mass, fat-free mass (%)


3 months corrected age



Use of medical steroids

Period of treatment


From birth until 5.5 years of age

Use of tetracyclines

Period of treatment


From birth until 5.5 years of age

Type of enteral nutrition

mothers’ own milk, donated breastmilk, formula

Percentages (%)


During study intervention (until 34 weeks of gestational age)

Breastmilk fortification



During study intervention (until 34 weeks of gestational age)

Breastfeeding at discharge

Full, partly, none


Discharge from neonatal intensive care unit/homecare