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Table 2 An estimand framework for estimating the intervention effect in the analysis of the primary outcome in the PRO B study

From: Statistical analysis plan for the PRO B study: open-label, superiority randomised controlled trial of alarm-based patient-reported outcome monitoring in patients with metastatic breast cancer

Scientific research question

Is the average in fatigue score measured by the EORTC CAT Core after 6 months lower (superior) in the intervention group compared to the control group?

Estimand attributes


Intervention: patients receiving weekly PRO surveys with an alarm contact in case of worsening PRO scores

Control: patients receiving quarterly PRO surveys without an alarm contact in case of worsening PRO scores

 Target population

- Female with MBC

- Older than 18 years

- Able to read and understand German

- Receive drug treatment for MBC with a life expectancy at enrolment of more than 3 months

- Having access to the Internet through a smartphone

- Having the ECOG performance status of 0 to 2

 Endpoint of interest

Fatigue score at 6 months post-randomisation

Addressing intercurrent events


  - Overload due to the PRO survey

Assuming missing data at random, implicitly impute data using MICE with m = 30 imputations

  - Lack of interest or relevance

Assuming missing data at random, implicitly impute data using MICE with m = 30 imputations

  - Patients feel too ill to continue participating in the study

Assuming missing data is not at random, a worst-case scenario will be applied

 Loss to follow-up

Assuming missing data at random, implicitly impute data using MICE with m = 30 imputations


Assuming missing data is not at random, a worst-case scenario will be applied


Linear mixed model, adjusting for baseline fatigue score and potential confounding factorsa. The study centre is set as a random intercept

Summary measure

Mean difference of fatigue score (IG–CG) and 95%CI (two-sided)


The mean difference of the fatigue score and the upper 95%CI limit are less than 0, it means the intervention group is superior to the control group

  1. CG control group, IG intervention group, ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, MBC metastatic breast cancer, MICE multiple imputation by chained equations, PRO patient-reported outcome
  2. aPotential confounding factors are listed in the statistical methods section