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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the intervention and prospective cohort survey

From: Evaluation of a financial incentive intervention on malaria prevalence among the residents in Lake Victoria basin, Kenya: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Baseline (survey)

 At least one permanent resident aged 18 years or older in the household


 Informed consent provided by at least one adult in the household


Baseline (blood sampling)

 Members residing in the households participated in the baseline survey

Severe chronic illnesses

 Informed consent provided by the parent or guardian before each survey


Financial incentive intervention

 Household members residing in the households participated in the baseline survey


 Informed consent provided by at least one adult in the household


Follow-up (survey)

 Households participated in the baseline survey


 Informed consent provided by at least one adult in the household


Follow-up (blood sampling)

 Household members residing in the households participated in the baseline survey

Severe chronic illnesses

 Informed consent provided by the parent or guardian before each survey