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Table 2 Overview of the LightMood interventional

From: An e-mental health intervention to reduce depression symptoms in individuals with obesity: study protocol for the randomized, controlled, two-armed, confirmatory LightMood trial


Educative modules


Technical introduction and mindfulness

Quick introduction, structure of the LightMood intervention, introduction to mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises

Mental health

Education about mental health, influence on one’s physical health

Exercise against brooding, creating a list with activities


Accepting and dealing with emotions such as depression, influence on eating behavior

Strategies to control negative emotions


Importance of self-efficacy, need to integrate activities or sources in life that enhance self-efficacy

Exploring areas in life that enhance self-efficacy

Health-related behavior

Different aspects of promoting physical and mental health during obesity (diet, creating daily structure)

Setting SMART goals, focusing on health-promoting behavior

Stress management

Education about the impact of stress on daily life, nutrition, mental health, etc.

Discovering specific trigger of stress and stress-related behavior, goal of changing habits and reducing stress in the long term

Exercise and relaxation

Finding a healthy balance between exercise and relaxation

Creating an individual plan with exercises and breathing exercises

Positivity and outro

Making room for positive experiences; noticing positive accomplishments. Review of LightMood intervention

Determining energy-giving and energy-taking factors, focusing on those that give more positive energy