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Table 6 Potential solutions mapped to intervention functions of the Behaviour Change Wheel; Belief statements that comprise each target are given in paratheses following the target in the first column

From: Understanding implementation of findings from trial method research: a mixed methods study applying implementation frameworks and behaviour change models

Overarching target (Belief statements comprising)

COM-B domains

Intervention functions

Possible strategies for CTU management/staff

Awareness of findings

(Dedicated channels for dissemination, like network events and conferences, are helpful ( +); Conferences and network events are a great opportunity to share implementation research and experience ( +); It’s difficult to know what research is out there ( −))

Physical opportunity, Social opportunity, Psychological capability

Education, Enablement Environmental restructuring, Modelling, Training

Conference sessions on new trial method research findings—at both clinical and methods conferences

Effort required to implement findings

(The resources that findings are packaged with help make them more implementable ( +); We have to prioritise what’s relevant to the trials our CTU delivers ( −); You should be able to adapt findings to your CTU ( −))

Physical opportunity, Psychological capability, Reflective motivation

Education, Enablement, Training

Produce recommendations on how to best package findings to make them easier to implement

Changes to culture

(Funders drive what we prioritise through shifts in research culture ( ~); Involvement in trial method projects support implementation ( +); Funders drive what we prioritise through funding ( ~)

Social opportunity, Physical opportunity

Enablement, Environmental restructuring

Petition funders to provide dedicated funding to CTUs for implementation efforts

Multiple targets: one or more of the above three targets

Physical opportunity, Social opportunity, Reflective motivation, Psychological capability

Enablement, Environmental restructuring, Modelling

Establish/modify internal meetings to focus on implementation (Awareness/Culture)

Physical opportunity

Enablement, Environmental restructuring

Establish role/group of implementation champions (Awareness/Culture)

Reflective motivation

Education, Incentivisation, Persuasion

Reward staff for successful integration/adherence to changes in practice (Effort/Culture)

Physical opportunity, Social opportunity, Psychological capability

Education, Enablement, Environmental restructuring, Training

Funders host findings on website, provide resources/training on implementation into methods practice (Awareness/Culture)

Physical opportunity, Psychological capability

Education, Enablement, Environmental restructuring, Training

Review of current dissemination channels and their level of engagement (Awareness/Culture)