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Table 1 Schematic overview of the specific outcome measures, analysis metrics, methods of aggregation and timepoints of interest for the primary outcome and secondary outcomes

From: Does somatosensory discrimination therapy alter sensorimotor upper limb function differently compared to motor therapy in children and adolescents with unilateral cerebral palsy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial


Specific outcome measure

Analysis metric

Method of aggregation

Timepoints of interest

Primary outcome


Bimanual performance

(Adolescent) Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA/Ad-AHA)

Change over time

Logit-based total score (0–100)

T0, T2

Secondary outcomes

Motor function

Bimanual performance

(Adolescent) Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA/Ad-AHA)

Change over time

Logit-based total score (0–100)

T0, T1

Children’s Hand-use Experience Questionnaire (CHEQ)

Logit-based total scores (0–100)

T0, T1, T2

Bimanual coordination

Kinarm exoskeleton: Ball-on-bar task

Mean scores per level

Bimanual coordination

Box opening task

Mean scores over 5 trials

Unimanual function

Tyneside pegboard test (TPT)

Completion time in seconds

Goal attainment

Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)

Classification based on criterion references into 6 categories (− 3–2)

Somatosensory function

Tactile registration

Semmes–Weinstein Monofilaments

Classification based on threshold values into 5 categories (1–5)

Tactile perception

Stereognosis assessment

Number of correctly identified objects (0–6)


Minimal distance in mm that can be correctly discriminated 5 consecutive times (3– > 10 mm)

Tactile Discrimination Test

Area under the curve (0–100)


Movement sense

Classification based on performance into 3 categories (0–2)

Kinarm exoskeleton: Contralateral position matching task

Mean scores across 24 trials

Kinarm exoskeleton: Perceptual boundary task

Slope and inflection point of the psychometric curve

Kinarm exoskeleton: Indicating location task

Number of correctly identified locations (0–12)

ETH MIKE: Passive position sense task

Mean absolute error across 11 trials

  1. Abbreviations: mm millimeters, Baseline (T0 ) maximally 2 weeks before the start of the therapy, Post (T1 ) maximally 2 weeks after the therapy has ended, Follow-up (T2 ) 6 months after the therapy has ended, within a time frame of 2