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Table 1 Questions used to explore the initial scope and content of the framework

From: Improving the inclusion of an under-served group in trials: development and implementation of the INCLUDE Impaired Capacity to Consent Framework

1) What are your views about the usefulness of a framework for designing trials to include adults with impaired capacity? Are there any types of trials or particular populations or settings you think it would be more, or less, useful for?

2) What are your views about the current format (4 key questions, worksheets for Q2–3 and a worksheet to identify measures needed)?

3) What are your views about the contents? Is anything included that shouldn't be, is anything missing that should be added?

4) What are your views about the supporting information (background document, appendix on legal frameworks, links to resources)? Is anything included that should not be, is anything missing that should be added?