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Table 1 Summary of the intervention

From: Impact of an integrated health, nutrition, and early child stimulation and responsive care intervention package delivered to preterm or term small for gestational age babies during infancy on growth and neurodevelopment: study protocol of an individually randomized controlled trial in India (Small Babies Trial)






Care routinely sought from usual sources -government (free of cost) and private providers


Illness ascertainment through reports by caregivers and by team, at home visits

Facilitation of medical care-seeking/access

Provision of zinc and ORS for the management of diarrhea

Counselling on immunization and handwashing practices


0 to 6 months

Growth monitoring based on WHO standard growth charts. Assessment by physician, lactation counsellor, and psychologist (for mothers) if there is growth failure

Management of severe acute malnutrition (SAM)

Counselling and support for exclusive breastfeeding

Expressed breastmilk feeding, if indicated

Kangaroo mother care during the neonatal period

Lactational counselling and additional breastfeeding support for breastfeeding problems

Micronutrient supplementation of iron, vitamin D, zinc, or other B vitamins

7 to 12 months

Counselling on continued breastfeeding, complementary feeding, responsive feeding, food hygiene, and immunization

Iron and folic acid supplementation

 Early child development

Counselling and demonstration of early child play and responsive care for the infant




Counselling on postnatal check-ups and family planning


6 months postpartum

Nutritional supplementation to mother in the form of healthy snacks, calcium and vitamin D, iron and folic acid supplementation, and multiple micronutrient tablets

 Psychosocial support

Promotion of positive thinking and problem-solving skills