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Table 3 Tactic table for cancer treatment center at university teaching hospitals

From: Anticipating and strategizing to address potential bottlenecks during clinical research projects in sub-Saharan Africa: a case for adapting approaches and tools used in the entrepreneurial and development sectors

Expected outcome: Approval for the conduct of the chemoPAD study



Deploy knowledge and skills of the issues facing quality anticancer therapy in Africa

The study team has deep experience and knowledge of the state of the problem of sub-standard and falsified drugs in Africa, and this can be deployed to help physicians understand why they do not see a clinical response following chemotherapy sessions

Deploy physical and financial resources to influence stakeholder

No—the study team has no such resources

Deploy network and or ally’s network to influence ally?

Leverage our connections with cancer treatment centers in Africa and the USA to share their experiences with hospital administration and clinical staff on they solved this problem