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Table 2 Within- and between-group differences in primary outcome and categorical secondary outcomes

From: Statistical analysis plan for the Recovery-focused Community support to Avoid readmissions and improve Participation after Stroke randomised controlled clinical trial


Control (N =)

Intervention (N =)

OR (95% CI)b


n (%)

90 days

n (%)



n (%)

90 days

n (%)


Primary outcome


 Hospital presentationc








Secondary outcomes


 Composite outcomed


 Problems in EQ-5D-3L dimension






    Usual activities


    Pain or discomfort


    Anxiety or depression


 Long-term unmet needs

  1. OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, EQ-5D-3L EuroQol five dimensions three level. aMeasure of magnitude of within-group change at 90-day post-randomisation relative to the baseline measurement. bBetween-group difference at 90-day post-randomisation, adjusted for baseline measurements, clustering by recruitment hospital, and stratifying variables. cIncludes emergency department presentations and unplanned hospital admission. dComprises recurrent stroke, cardiovascular events, or deaths