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Table 3 Interview guide

From: Challenges regarding informed consent in recruitment to clinical research: a qualitative study of clinical research nurses’ experiences

- Please introduce yourself and share some information about your role and experiences as a research nurse

- Can you describe the informed consent process in your research setting?

- What factors do you believe are important to consider when individuals are making decisions about participating in research?

- From your perspective, what are the challenges in safeguarding voluntary informed consent?

- How do you and your colleagues work to protect voluntary informed consent?

- Have you encountered any challenges in protecting voluntary informed consent in relationships where there is a dependency between the patient and the researcher?

- Based on your experiences, what suggestions or recommendations do you have for enhancing the protection of voluntary informed consent for patients involved in research?

- Is there any topic or aspect related to the informed consent process that you would like to discuss that we have not covered in this interview thus far?