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Table 6 Schedule of enrolment, intervention, and assessments (as per SPIRIT [22])

From: PLUS-IS-LESS project: Procalcitonin and Lung UltraSonography-based antibiotherapy in patients with Lower rESpiratory tract infection in Swiss Emergency Departments: study protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial

  1. 1PCT will be repeated after 6 to 24 hours in all admitted patients who did not receive antibiotics because of a low PCT value and in those in whom the algorithm was overruled
  2. 2In the subgroup of patients discharged home without antibiotics: phone evaluation after 48 hours
  3. 3Study D7, D28 and D90 are done by phone by the study team
  4. 4Biobanking of plasma, whole blood, paxgene tubes, urine, nasopharyngeal and oral swabs and sputa
  5. 5Urine biobanking (urine metabolites) in a subgroup of patients
  6. 6Optional interview for qualitative assessment of acceptability of the algorithm in a subgroup of patients