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Table 5 Stepped wedge roll out of the PLUS intervention by study center over time. Center 1: Cantonal Hospital of St Gallen, center 2: University Hospital of Lausanne, center 3: Hospital of Neuchâtel, center 4: University Hospital of Basel, Center 5: Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne, center 6 : Intercantonal Hospital of Broye, center 7: Hospital Riviera-Chablais, center 8: Cantonal Hospital of Baden, center 9: Cantonal Hospital Baselland & St Clarasspital Basel

From: PLUS-IS-LESS project: Procalcitonin and Lung UltraSonography-based antibiotherapy in patients with Lower rESpiratory tract infection in Swiss Emergency Departments: study protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial