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Table 2 Overview of iPMR intervention

From: Effectiveness and mediators of change of an online CBT intervention for students with adjustment disorder—study protocol for a randomized controlled trial




Module 1

Progressive Muscle Relaxation of 16 Group of Muscles

Participants learn how to tighten and relax 16 groups of muscles. This module is recommended to last for 2 weeks

Module 2

7 Muscle Group Relaxation

This is a shortened version of PMR. Participants learn how to tighten and relax 7 groups of muscles (first arm, second arm, head, neck, torso, first leg, second leg)

Module 3

4 Muscle Group Relaxation

This is a shortened version of PMR. Participants learn how to tighten and relax 4 groups of muscles (arms, head, torso, legs)

Module 4

Release Only Condition

Module in which participants are taught to obtain a state of relaxation without tightening muscles

Module 5

Your Own Experience

In this module, participants are engaged to train relaxation on their own—without audio recordings. They can do so in different situations in their daily lives and in different body positions