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Table 1 Procedures and outcome measures (SPIRIT table)

From: Effectiveness and feasibility of a mobile health self-management intervention in rheumatoid arthritis: study protocol for a pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial (AEGORA)



During intervention


(4–6 months)

Procedure/outcome measure

 Eligibility screening


 Informed consent




 Set-up and installation of study app (in intervention groups)


Demographic/clinical characteristics

 Age (years)


 Sex (male/female)


 Body mass index (kg/m2)


 Lifestyle (smoking, alcohol use)


 RF and ACPA status (positive/negative)


 Erosive changes on latest radiograph (yes/no)


 Disease duration (months/years)


 Current and prior DMARD therapy and glucocorticoid/analgesic intake


 Comorbidities and extra-articular manifestations


Outcome measures as part of routine care

 Patient global assessment of disease activity (VAS)


 Physician global assessment of disease activity (VAS)


 Tender joint count and swollen joint count (0–28)


 C-reactive protein (mg/L)


 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (mm/h)


 Nocturnal pain (yes/no)


 Morning stiffness (yes/no)


 HAQ-DI (0–3)


Study-specific outcome measures

 RAID (0–10)


  - Intervention group A: weekly



  - Intervention group B: monthly



 ASES (11–110)


 PCS (0–52)


 IPAQ-S (METs per week)


 PSQI (0–21)


In-app logged usage dataa



Educational level (primary/secondary/Bachelor’s/Master’s/doctoral)


Prior experience with mHealth (yes/no)


Preference to continue using app after study (yes/no)


Satisfaction with intervention (VAS)


  1. RF rheumatoid factor, ACPA anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies, DMARD disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, VAS visual analogue scale, HAQ-DI Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index, RAID Rheumatoid Arthritis Impact of Disease, ASES Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale, PCS Pain Catastrophizing Scale, IPAQ-S International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short form, METs Metabolic Equivalents of Task, PSQI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
  2. aCollected at study end in pseudonymised form. Usage data concern physical activity (including daily step count), diet, stress management, goals set, videos accessed, logins, and completed questionnaires