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Table 2 Drug dosing for the endTB-Q experimental arm

From: Evaluating newly approved drugs in combination regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis with fluoroquinolone resistance (endTB-Q): study protocol for a multi-country randomized controlled trial


Weight band (kg)


 > 30


200 mg daily for 2 weeks followed by 100 mg 3 × /week

400 mg daily × 2 weeks followed by 200 mg 3 × /week


100 mg daily

100 mg daily


50 mg twice daily

100 mg twice daily


300 mg daily up to week 16 (followed by 300 mg daily or 600 mg 3 × /week)

600 mg daily up to week 16 (followed by 300 mg daily or 600 mg 3 × /week)

  1. aLinezolid dosing is routinely modified at week 16, or sooner if necessary, to reduce toxicity related to linezolid. The modification is either decreased (300 mg daily) or intermittent (600 mg 3 × /week) dosing as defined by a balanced secondary randomization