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Table 2 Medication regimens

From: Comparison of three regimens with inhalational methoxyflurane versus intranasal fentanyl versus intravenous morphine in pre-hospital acute pain management: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (PreMeFen)



IN fentanyl

IV morphine


3 ml inhalation

18–70 years:

100 μg

 > 70 years:

50 μg

18–70 years:

0.1 mg/kg

 > 70 years or fragile:

0.05 mg/kg

Dose repetition

Yes, if needed

Yes, if needed

interval 5 min

Yes, if needed

interval 5 min

Maximum total dose

6 ml

500 μg

0.5 mg/kg

  1. IN Intranasal, IV Intravenous, IMP Investigational medicinal product