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Table 1 Structured statement of estimands

From: An observer-blinded, cluster randomised trial of a typhoid conjugate vaccine in an urban South Indian cohort


Total effect

Overall effect


Effect of offering vaccination to clusters in 1–30-year-olds who would take it

Effect of offering vaccination to clusters in 1–30-year-olds

Target population (to whom the treatment effect applies)

Residents of Vellore aged 1–30 years who would take their assigned treatment

Residents of Vellore aged 1–30 years

Treatment condition (including the population exposed to an offer)

TyphiBEV® vaccination of those aged 1–30 years, including catch-up for late recruits (but not for participants who move from a control to a vaccination cluster)

Offer of TyphiBEV® vaccination to those aged 1–30 years, including catch-up for late recruits (but not for participants who move from a control to a vaccination cluster)


Blood culture-confirmed typhoid fever within 2 years

Blood culture-confirmed typhoid fever within 2 years

Summary measure/s

Marginal individual average incidence rate ratio

Marginal individual average incidence rate ratio

Intercurrent event handling

Refusal of vaccine offer by participants in vaccine clusters will be handled using a principal stratum strategy (which is our interpretation of the total effect), as will taking of vaccine by participants in non-vaccine clusters

Refusal of vaccine will be handled using a treatment policy strategy (which corresponds to the overall effect)



Out of the study area will be handled by censoring the participant at the point they leave

Out of the study area will be handled by censoring the participant at the point they leave

Into study area will be treated as late recruitment

Into study area will be treated as late recruitment

From control cluster to control cluster does not affect the estimand

From control cluster to control cluster does not affect the estimand

From vaccine cluster to vaccine cluster does not affect the estimand

From vaccine cluster to vaccine cluster does not affect the estimand

From vaccine cluster to control cluster will be censored

From vaccine cluster to control cluster will be censored

From control cluster to vaccine cluster will be censored

From control cluster to vaccine cluster will be censored