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Table 3 Clinician-delivered treatment in STAND

From: A randomized controlled trial on using predictive algorithm to adapt level of psychological care for community college students: STAND triaging and adapting to level of care study protocol

Problem area

Process targeted

First-line therapy module + medication as appropriate

Process being targeted

Second-line therapy module + medication as appropriate

Low Activity/Sadness

Low response contingent positive reinforcement

Behavioral activation (mood monitor, activity schedule, problem solve barriers, sleep schedule for barriers)

Cognitive distortions; rumination

Cognitive restructuring; OR mindfulness, value-driven action; OR problem solving


Reward hyposensitivity

Pleasant event scheduling (hedonic and eudaimonic rewards), memory specificity recounting

Reward hyposensitivity

Cognitive restructuring with positive focus; cultivating positivity


Deficits in extinction safety learning; avoidance

Exposure therapy

Negative cognitive bias; poor social skills

Cognitive restructuring; OR mindfulness, value-driven action; OR social skills training


Negative cognitive bias

Cognitive restructuring OR mindfulness, value-driven action

Avoidance (experiential, in vivo)

Exposure therapy; OR mindfulness, value-driven action; OR social skills training

Sleep Dysregulation

Sleep dysregulation

Brief behavioral therapy for insomnia

Negative cognitive bias

Cognitive restructuring


Deficits in extinction safety learning; avoidance

Imaginal and in vivo exposure

Negative cognitive bias

Cognitive restructuring and impact statement

Trauma—Guilt, Shame, Cognitive Distortions

Negative cognitive bias

Trauma narrative with cognitive restructuring and impact statement


Chronic Suicidality, Self-Harm, Affective Instability

Low tolerance of distress

Distress tolerance skills

Poor emotion regulation; interpersonal difficulties

Emotion regulation skills; interpersonal effectiveness skills


Circadian dysregulation

Brief behavioral therapy for insomnia


Major Life Stressors (any symptom profile)

Poor coping

Problem solving for controllable stressor; mindfulness, value-driven action for uncontrollable stressor


Interpersonal Relations (any symptom profile)

Social skills deficits

Social skills training

  1. Medications are included in the treatment as appropriate