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Table 1 Description of study arms

From: Comparing adherence to MDR-TB treatment among patients on self-administered therapy and those on directly observed therapy: non-inferiority randomized controlled trial

Control: DOT

Intervention: self-administered therapy with MEMS technology

Patients report daily to the nearest health unit to be observed by a health care provider as they ingest their medication

Behavioural: Adherence counselling. Patients will receive adherence counselling as scheduled by their primary care health providers

Device: MEMS CAP without LCD display and EDP® technology on medicine box.

Standard MEMS devices record the time and date when the bottle is opened

The MEMS technology automatically complies drug dosing history information by electronically recording the date and time of each opening of the medication cap and or box

Behavioural: Adherence counselling. Patients will receive adherence counselling as scheduled by their primary care health providers