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Table 3 Summary of registered trial protocol revisions in the D:Clare ISRCTN record

From: Community participatory learning and action cycle groups to reduce type 2 diabetes in Bangladesh (D:Clare): an updated study protocol for a parallel arm cluster randomised controlled trial


1. Publication reference added.

2. The individual participant data (IPD) sharing statement has been updated.


1. Ethics approval details added.

2. The study design was changed from ‘Stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial’ to a ‘Cluster randomized controlled trial’, with scale-up to control clusters after trial completion (‘wait-list’).

3. The interventions and primary and secondary outcome measures were updated.

4. The target number of participants measured across the baseline and endline surveys was changed from ‘12 clusters; 440 individuals per cluster’ to ‘12 clusters; 211 individuals per cluster’.

5. The recruitment start date was changed from 07/12/2019 to 04/01/2020.


1. Ethics approval and secondary outcome measures updated.