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Table 1 Study outcomes

From: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the use of melanoma surveillance photography to the Improve early detection of MelanomA in ultra-hiGh and high-risk patiEnts (the IMAGE trial)


Measure or comparison

Primary outcome

 Diagnostic performance for melanoma

Number of unnecessary excisions or biopsies (i.e. false positives). An unnecessary biopsy is one performed due to clinical suspicion of melanoma, where the histopathology is benign

Secondary outcomes

 Additional diagnostic performance outcomes for melanoma

NNB to detect one melanoma, benign:malignant ratio

Number of false negatives (determined by follow-up) and the morbidity and complications from procedures

 Diagnostic performance outcomes for melanoma and other skin cancers combined

Benign to malignant ratio and the NNB

 Quality of life

Patient quality of life outcomes—AQOL-8D

 Patient anxiety and acceptability

EORTC QLQ-C30, FCR4 and a purpose-designed patient acceptability scale

Health economic outcomes

 - Health system resource utilisation and out-of-pocket costs

 - Health-related QOL using a preference-based multi-attribute utility instrument

 - Cost-effectiveness of the intervention compared with control (usual care)

 - Budget impact analysis

Number of clinic visits, personnel time, procedures, diagnostic tests, hospitalisations, overhead costs (e.g. IT, data transfer systems), capital equipment, consumables and patient out-of-pocket payments documented from Medicare claims

AQOL-8D utilities for calculation of QALYs

Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios or incremental net benefit for both cost per unnecessary excision or biopsy avoided and cost per QALY gained of MSP compared with usual care

Budget impact of the intervention to Australian Medicare

  1. NNB number needed to biopsy, AQOL-8D Assessment of Quality of Life-8D, EORTC QLQ-C30 European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire, FCR4 fear of cancer recurrence–short form, QALYs quality-adjusted life years, MSP melanoma surveillance photography, IT information technology