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Table 1 Components of typical BSM session

From: Use of a sequential multiple assignment randomized trial to test contingency management and an integrated behavioral economic and mindfulness intervention for buprenorphine-naloxone medication adherence for opioid use disorder


Description/example therapist prompts

Short- and long-term goals


Identifying goals

What are your goals for this month…for the next 5 years? What would you like to have accomplished?

Requirements to achieve goals

What would you need to do to achieve those goals?

Relation between OUD and goals

Examine the potential role of illicit opioid use in jeopardizing these goals

Reward bundling

Aggregate global day-to-day choices and activities into cumulative, cohesive patterns that relate to personally relevant long-term health or social outcomes. A behavior with immediate but low reward value (i.e., taking a daily dose of buprenorphine-naloxone) in the short term may have higher reward value when it is framed as part of a pattern of achieving a valued long-term outcome (i.e., steady employment at a desired job)

Episodic future thinking

An experiential intervention that prompts individuals to describe personal, emotional, and situational details of a valued future outcome in great detail (e.g., what it would be like to regain family trust or get a career-job)

Substance-free activities

Participants will be offered a menu of substance-free activities that has been developed in pilot work. Activities will be discussed, and participants will be asked to engage in selected activities as homework. Engagement in substance-free activities will be assessed at each subsequent visit


Stop and see what happens

Observe physical sensations and emotion regulation changes in the body

Breathe by deliberately bringing attention to the breath

Describe to the participant how to breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth slowly

Expand awareness of the situation

Respond mindfully (versus reacting)

  1. Note. Each BSM session is completed in approximately 45 min