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Table 2 Roles of survey respondents in the STREAM clinical trial

From: Implementation challenges and lessons learned from the STREAM clinical trial—a survey of trial sites


N = 47a

Principal investigator

11 (23%)

Trial coordinator (includes two respondents with a dual role as sub-investigator/medical officer/physician)

9 (19%)

Sub-investigator/medical officer/physician (includes two respondents with a dual role as trial coordinator/administrator)

6 (13%)

Nurse (includes one respondent with a dual role as data encoder)

2 (4%)


3 (6%)

Lab technician

3 (6%)

Data manager/encoder (includes one respondent with a dual role as a nurse)

6 (13%)

Field worker

2 (4%)

Administrative (assistant, officer)

3 (6%)


5 (11%)

  1. aTotal is 50 because two trial coordinators had dual roles as trial physicians, and one nurse had a dual role as a data encoder
  2. bIncludes DOTS supervisor (n = 1), health economist (n = 1), counselor (n = 1), community liaison officer (n = 1), trial drug manager (n = 1)