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Table 2 Eligibility criteria

From: Paediatric eye and vision research participation experiences: a systematic review

Eligibility criteria

Inclusion criteria

 Sample—any ophthalmic study which included one or more child or young person (birth up to age 16 years); their parents/legal guardians/other carers; ophthalmic research staff, with experience of working in studies which include children and young people up to the age of 16 years

 Phenomenon of interest—report or discussion of paediatric ophthalmic research participation experience (once enrolled into a study), in the study title or abstract

 Design—empirical research with any study design (including qualitative, quantitative or mixed approaches)

 Evaluation—views; opinions; perceptions; narratives; scoring or rating

 Research type—any empirical research type

 Publication type—full text available; published and unpublished research; any publication year; English language (resources not available for translation)

Exclusion criteria

 Sample—studies sampling participants in ophthalmic research for adults only or non-ophthalmic research; studies sampling ophthalmology research staff who conduct studies with adults only or non-ophthalmic studies

 Phenomenon of interest—studies where phenomenon of interest was not experience of research participation

 Research type—non-empirical research; letters; commentaries; discussion papers; reviews

 Publication type—studies published in ‘abstract’ form only; studies where full texts were not obtainable (from University of Liverpool, City University of London, University College London or via the Inter Library Loan system which accesses other affiliated universities and the British Library); non-English language