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Table 2 Summary of secondary outcomes related to mechanisms of azithromycin action, growth, and morbidity

From: Testing the effects of mass drug administration of azithromycin on mortality and other outcomes among 1–11-month-old infants in Mali (LAKANA): study protocol for a cluster-randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, parallel-group, three-arm clinical trial


Biological specimen or measurements

Child age in months

Number of participants

Study visit

Timing of collection versus MDA

Method of assessments

Mechanism of azithromycin action

- Blood malaria parasitemia and hemoglobin concentration

- Blood C-reactive protein concentration





Paired (before and 14 days after)

From heel prick blood collected, hemoglobin and C-reactive protein concentrations tested with an on-site instrument (QuikRead Go®)

Dried blood spots stored for later malaria diagnostics with real-time PCR method

- Fecal neopterin, myeloperoxidase, and alpha-1-antitrypsin concentrations





Paired (before and 14 days after)

Fecal neopterin, myeloperoxidase, and alpha-1-antitrypsin concentrations determined with ELISA tests

- Systemic and intestinal inflammation and immune function and development (future analysis, outcomes to be defined)

Plasma; peripheral blood mononuclear cells; stool; urine

6–8 and 12–14

1350 + 1350

MDA 6–8 and visit 9


Storage for future analysis

Growth and nutritional status

- Mean length-for-age Z-score (LAZ)

- Mean weight-for-age Z-score (WAZ)

- Mean weight-for-length Z-score (WHZ)

- Mid-upper arm circumference Z-score (MUAC-Z)

- Percentage of moderate or severe stunting (LAZ < −2/LAZ < −3)

- Percentage of moderate or severe wasting (WLZ < −2/WLZ < −3)

Length, weight, MUAC

6–8 and 12–14


MDA 6–8


Length assessed using commercial length board (ShorrBoard®, WEIGH AND MEASURE, LLC, Olney, Md, USA) and recorded to the nearest 1 mm. Weight assessed using an electronic infant weighing scale (SECA 354) with reading increments of 10g. MUAC measured with non-stretchable plastic insertion tapes and recorded to the nearest 1 mm. All measurements are done in triplicate


- 14-day period prevalence of fever with respiratory symptoms, fever without respiratory symptoms (proxy for malaria), and diarrhea

Caregiver-reported child morbidity


No upper limit

MDA 1–8 and visit 9

Recall period is 14 days

Caregiver asked if a child has been ill in the preceding 14 days, with fever with respiratory symptoms, fever without respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, or any other symptoms

  1. MDA mass drug administration, PCR polymerase chain reaction