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Table 2 Predefined objectives for each self-management workshop

From: Efficacy of self-management program associated with a spa therapy for knee osteoarthritis patients (GETT 2): a research protocol for a randomized trial



Knowledge of the pathology

− Know the mechanisms of the OA and its risk factors, evolutionary modes and main current therapeutic strategies

− Be able to speak usefully about OA and identify situations where it is necessary to see a doctor

Educational physical exercise practice

− Highlight the interest of the Adapted Physical Activity

− Pacification and adaptation of physical activity to progress by knowing how to recognize the physical potential and the limits


− Diet in relation to the presence of knee osteoarthritis

Management of pain, fatigue, and the medical treatments

− Identify the relationship with the pharmacological treatments

− Describe the non-pharmacological treatments for OA: psychological and physical

Articular ergonomics

− Allow for joint protection in everyday life

− Better move by mobilizing the joint and protecting it during the movement.

Medical devices, an adaptation to the living conditions

− Foot orthoses, knee braces and technical helps.