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Table 4 Patient and provider feedback

From: Personalized Disease Prevention (PDP): study protocol for a cluster-randomized clinical trial



Baseline survey

6 m survey

Qualitative interviews

Regular, informal feedback

Qualitative interviews

Overall impressions

 Use of individualized preventive care recommendations during encounter

 Helpfulness of individualized preventive care recommendations (intervention only) (Likert scale)

Usefulness of individualized preventive care recommendations

Did your doctor talk with you about preventive care during your appointment?

Did your doctor give you any written information? What is your opinion of it?

How did this visit compare with other visits you have had with your doctor?

What did you like about the tool? Dislike?

How often do you use the tool? Why (why not)?

What value did the decision tool add to patient encounters?

What is an example of when the tool enhanced communication about preventive care? When it did not help?

Use of shared decision-making

 Use of shared decision-making (SDM-Q-9) [25, 26]


How did your doctor involve you in that conversation?

What was most helpful?

What could be improved?

Would you please tell me a bit about how you discuss the tool with patients?

Did the tool encourage shared decision-making? Please explain.

Study endpoints

 Comprehension of preventive service most likely and least likely to improve QALEa

 Readiness to change (transtheoretical model) [40]


Self-reported preventive (and chronic disease management) service utilization





Future directions

 Interest in using individualized preventive care recommendations again in the future (Likert scale)


Suggestions for improvement

Would you like to keep using the tool? Are there obstacles?



 Self-rated health


How well did the intervention fit with your clinical workflow? How can we improve workflow?

Patients for whom the tool was particularly helpful (not helpful)

What other information would be helpful?

  1. a Left- and right-hand bars in Fig. 2
  2. b Tobacco use, alcohol (AUDIT-C) [31, 32], healthy diet (Starting the Conversation) [27, 28], physical activity (IPAQ-SF) [29, 30]