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Table 1 Summary of the e-CBT intervention

From: AMAZONE: prevention of persistent pain after breast cancer treatment by online cognitive behavioral therapy—study protocol of a randomized controlled multicenter trial

1st appointment with the therapist: introduction study intervention and e-CBT platform

Session 1: 1–2 weeks before surgery

- Education: pain and factors contributing to pain experience; stress response

- Relaxation exercises: progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, visualization exercise

Day of surgery

Session 2: DoS + 7 days

- Education: relationship between thoughts-feelings-bodily sensations-behavior; coping with anxiety; valued activities

- Exercises: thoughts and activity diary

2nd appointment with the therapist: introduction relaxation exercises and thoughts diary; discussion potentially hindering factors

Session 3: DoS + 14 days

- Education: different coping strategies; unhelpful and helpful thoughts

- Exercises: cognitive restructuring

Session 4: DoS + 21 days

- Education: role of avoidance

- Exercises: clarifying valued activities; SMART description of new valued activities

Session 5: DoS + 28 days

- Recap session 1-4

- Action plan: warning signs and helpful exercises and techniques

3rd appointment with the therapist: discussion on helping thoughts, valuable activities, action plan; evaluation of most helpful elements of the program and how to continue

  1. DoS day of surgery, SMART Specific-Meaningful-Acceptable-Realistic-Time framed