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Table 4 Baseline information to be collected

From: Prophylaxis in healthcare workers during a pandemic: a model for a multi-centre international randomised controlled trial using Bayesian analyses



Ethnicity (NZ only): NZ European; Māori; Pacific Peoples; Other

Occupation: allied health, science and technical professional; dentist; doctor; midwife; non-clinical staff; non-regulated worker; nurse

Height and weight (for body mass index calculation)

Medical conditions: asthma, chronic cardiac disease (not hypertension), chronic neurological disorder, chronic pulmonary disease (not asthma), diabetes mellitus (diet-controlled), hypertension, malignancy, smoking status (current, ex-smoker, non-smoker)

As a measure of baseline risk, all potential participants were to be asked if they had been directly involved in the care of a patient with COVID-19 (i.e. direct contact with a patient with COVID-19 or their immediate surroundings)