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Table 2 Strategies used in the self-efficacy-enhancing intervention

From: A self-efficacy-enhancing physical activity intervention in women with high-risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial

Performance accomplishments

Identifying the obstacles to keeping participants active through discussion

Setting achievable goals and actions, e.g., achieving 10 min of exercise following the exercise video daily before increasing gradually to 30 min

Negotiating techniques with participants to achieve bigger goals, e.g., set alarm on phone for activity; put notes on doors, the refrigerator, or the television to be active; stand or walk rather than sitting in add breaks

Monitoring physical activity diary and gestational weight gain on WeChat notes

Planning for decreasing sedentary behavior

Providing positive feedback for participants’ accomplishments

Providing booklet to reinforce knowledge

Vicarious experience

Checking behavioral tracking, review, and feedback on goals; “we’re going to check how you went with your physical activity and tracking and work together to set a healthy activity goal.”

Sharing self-management strategies from successful pregnant women

Verbal persuasion

Discussing and providing information about consequences of physical inactivity and unhealthy gestational weight gain

Confirming participants have the capability for exercise and weight self-management

Informing that one’s own behavior may be an example to others, i.e., inform the participants that if they do physical activity, that may be a good example for their friends and family members.

Guiding participants to recall previous successful behavior-change situations, discuss context and factors associated with success

Providing positive feedback for the participant’s effort

Physiological states

Assessing and explaining the participant’s pregnancy-related symptoms and negative emotions

Discussing strategies for managing symptoms, anxiety, or depression, such as positive self-talk and muscle relaxation