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Table 4 The ad hoc questionnaire on the knowledge of stress and anxiety

From: A virtual reality home-based training for the management of stress and anxiety among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Questionnaire on the knowledge of stress and anxiety

Part 1. Rate on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = “not at all,” 7 = “very much”) your level of knowledge about:

 • The differences between anxiety and stress

 • Causes and symptoms of stress and anxiety

 • Techniques for the management of stress and anxiety

Part 2. Answer the following questions:

 • What is the first stage of the “general stress adaptation syndrome”?

  -Resistance phase

  -Exhaustion phase

  -Alarm phase

  -None of these

 • What is the main difference between stress and anxiety?

  -Symptoms and duration

  -Duration and causes

  -The causes and duration

 • Which of these is a symptom of social anxiety?

  -Constant and pervasive anxiety

  -Avoidance of social situations

  -Fear of enclosed spaces

  -None of the above

 • What is the main difference between acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder?


  -The causes

  -None of the above

 • Which of these biofeedback claims is incorrect?

  -Its primary purpose is to teach how to modify physiological response patterns

  -It consists of several sessions

  -Focuses on breathing

  -None of the above

Part 3. Open-ended questions:

 • What are the three main categories of stress symptoms?

 • What are the main techniques for the management of stress and anxiety?