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Table 1 ENABLE cornerstone core sessions, monthly follow-up, and bereavement call

From: The Project ENABLE Cornerstone randomized controlled trial: study protocol for a lay navigator-led, early palliative care coaching intervention for African American and rural-dwelling advanced cancer family caregivers

Core session



Session 1: Caregiving story

Establish therapeutic alliance by exploring and validating the individual’s caregiving situation

- Supporting someone with cancer

- National caregiving statistics and commonly experienced challenges

- Understanding your caregiving experience, including biggest current and future concerns and what gives you strength

-Orientation to and administration of caregiving distress thermometer

Session 2: Coping with stress

Introduce caregivers to the stress process model and discuss ways to cope with stress

- Distress screening

- How stress works

- Ways to cope with stress

- Action plan for the coming week

Session 3: Getting help

Motivate effective social support through asking for and getting help

- Distress screening

- Why some families do not ask for help

- Getting help from family, friends, and community resources

- 3 options for accomplishing caregiving tasks: doing it yourself, asking for volunteers (e.g., other family members and friends), and paying for help

- How to decide what to take on yourself and when to ask others for help

- Action plan for the coming week

Session 4: Improving your support skills

Enhance caregiving skills and organization

- Distress screening

- Tips for organizing health information, managing medications, and tracking symptoms

- Providing your loved one the “right” amount and type of support

- Action plan for the coming week

Session 5: Taking care of yourself

Improve and reinforce self-care behaviors

- Distress screening

- Maintaining health while under stress

- Completing a self-care inventory and developing a personal health plan

- Action plan for the coming week

Session 6: Decision-making and planning for the future

Help develop plans for the future to help mitigate future stressors and potential crises

- Distress screening

- Partnering with patients to make decisions in serious illness

- Making decisions about cancer treatment, advance care planning, and advance directives

- Basic principles of communication when making decisions

- Action plan for the coming month

Monthly follow-up (every 4 weeks)

Ensure continuity of care, conduct caregiver distress screening, and reinforce content covered in core sessions

- Distress screening

- Additional informational materials and/or initiate referrals for additional support

Bereavement call (2–6 weeks post death)

Acknowledge and express sympathy for the caregivers loss and review resources for bereavement support

- Additional informational materials and/or initiate referrals for additional bereavement support

- Closure of coaching relationship