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Table 2 Hospital based and home-based orthoptic therapy procedure

From: Effects of orthoptic therapy in children with intermittent exotropia after surgery: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial


Therapy location

Training technique


Phase 1

Hospital-based therapy

Training with major amblyoscope to build fine retina correspondence

Achieve simultaneous vision and build fusion


Cheiroscopic drawing with single oblique stereoscope

Achieve simultaneous vision and build fusion


Vectograms (quoits or clowns) for convergence

33 BO for twice for patients without stereopsis


Increasing fusional convergence based on stereoscopic stimuli

34 BO for twice for patient with stereopsis


Home therapy

Red/green bar reader

Maintain single binocular without suppression


Barrel card

Easily fuse three dots


Brock string

Successfully converge to 2.5 cm from his or her nose.


Letter chart monocular accommodative facility (MAF)

Start from 20/50, go to 20/40 or 20/30, when result of MAF is 17.5 cpm

Phase 2

Hospital-based vision therapy

Training with major amblyoscope to increase fusional convergence

Fusional convergence reserve is more than +25° (based on different subjective angle of exodeviation, the amount of fusional convergence demand is different)


Vectograms (quoits or clowns) for divergence

15 BI with stereopsis


Aperture rule for convergence and divergence

12 pictures for convergence, 7 pictures for divergence.


Random vergence facility based on stereoscopic stimuli

More than 650 times in 15 minutes


Home-based vision therapy

Aperture rule

7 for divergence and 12 for convergence


Letter chart BAF

More than 17.5 cpm (20/30)


Computerized binocular vision therapy procedure

Achieve clear single binocular vision with 40 to 50 BO and 10 to 15 BI.

Phase 3

Hospital-based vision therapy

Training with major amblyoscope to increase fusional convergence

Fusional convergence reserve is more than +25° (based on different subjective angle of strabismus, amount of fusional convergence demand is different)


Aperture rule with lens or prism flipper

Accomplish with ±2.00 lens flipper


Random vergence facility based on stereoscopic stimuli

More than 650 times in 15 minutes


Bernell-O-Scope for vergence facility

8 pictures for BI and BO each


Free space fusion with lifesaver card

Easily accomplish convergence and divergence


VR training that combines pursuit and saccade

Accuracy ratio more than 90% in increasing difficulty


Home-based vision therapy

Aperture rule with ±2.00 lens flipper

Accomplish 7 in divergence and 12 in convergence


Lifesaver card

Easily accomplish divergence and convergence

  1. BO base out, BI base in, BAF binocular accommodative facility, cpm cycles per minute, VR virtual reality