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Table 1 Participant timeline of the Mindfulness and Relaxation Study – Children and Adolescents (MARS-CA)

From: The impact of session-introducing mindfulness and relaxation interventions in individual psychotherapy for children and adolescents: a randomized controlled trial (MARS-CA)


Before outpatient admission

Diagnostic phase







6-month follow-up


 Informed consent



Clinical assessment—therapist








 CEQ therapist







 AD-S therapist








 Informed consent patient




 Informed consent caregiver (patient age < 18 years)




 Eligibility screen








Clinical assessment—patient

 Kinder-DIPS-OA (including severity measurement)






 YSR 11-18R






































 CEQ patient







 AD-S patient







Mindfulness and mindfulness-related assessment—therapists




























 TPI therapist







Mindfulness and mindfulness-related assessment—patients










 SCS (child version)









 TPI patient














Post-session questionnaire—therapists

 FTB-KJ therapist




 TPI (short version) therapist




Post-session questionnaire—patients

 FTB-KJ patient




 TPI (short version) patient



  1. Abbreviations: AD-S Adherence Scale, CAMM Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure, CEQ Credibility-/Expectancy Questionnaire, DISYPS-III Diagnostic System for Mental Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence, 3rd version, FTB-KJ German version of the Therapeutic Alliance Scale for Children, ESSW Empathy Scale for Social Workers, HICBI Heidelberg Inventory of Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions, KIMS-D German version of the Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills, PQ-M Practice Quality – Mindfulness, S therapy session, SBB-ADHS problem scales of the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder self-rating scale, SBB-ANG problem scales of the anxiety disorder self-rating scale, SBB-DES problem scales of the depressive disorder self-rating scale, SCS-D German version of the Self-Compassion Scale, TPI Therapeutic Presence Inventory, YSR 11-18R Youth Self Report Revision