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Table 8 Estimated effects of the outcome on clinicians’ intention to adhere to guideline recommendations (clinician post-intervention questionnaire – vignettes)

From: Improving adherence to acute low back pain guideline recommendations with chiropractors and physiotherapists: the ALIGN cluster randomised controlled trial

  1. aIntention: X-ray referral is coded ‘Yes’ if the clinician ticked either “Lumbosacral plain X-ray” or “Full spine pain X-ray” in the vignette response questionnaire. Intention: imaging referral is coded ‘Yes’ if the clinician ticked “Lumbar CT scan”, “Lumbar MRI”, or “Bone Scan” in the vignette response questionnaire. Intention: advice to stay active is coded ‘Yes’ if the clinician ticked “Advice to stay active” in the vignette response questionnaire. Intention: advised bed rest is coded ‘Yes’ if the clinician indicated “Bed rest” for greater than 2 days in the vignette response questionnaire
  2. bEach clinician responded to four vignettes
  3. cAdjusted effects from models fitted using Generalised Estimating Equations with exchangeable correlation structure (unless otherwise noted) and robust variance estimation to allow for clustering within practices. OR = odds ratio. Models adjusted for pre-specified confounding variables noted in Fig. 2 of the trial protocol [22]
  4. dRD risk difference. RD calculated from marginal probabilities. Confidence intervals were calculated using a pairwise comparison of margins after fitting a GEE model using Stata, allowing for clustering of observations within practices
  5. eModelled with an independent correlation structure