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Table 4 Schedule of enrolment, interventions, and assessments

From: The modulatory role of internet-supported mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on extracellular vesicles and psychological distress in people who have had cancer: a protocol for a two-armed randomized controlled study

  1. Note. BaSIQS Basic Scale on Insomnia complaints and Quality of Sleep, CA cancer antigen, CCI Client Change Interview, CEA carcinoembryonic antigen, CORE-OM Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation - Outcome Measure, CRP C-reactive protein, DASS-21 Depression, Anxiety Stress Scales-21, DT distress thermometer, ERQ Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, FCR-7 7-item Fear of Cancer Recurrence, FFMQ Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, FTND Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence, IFN-γ interferon gamma, IL interleukin, IPAQ-SF International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form, MBCT mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, PSA prostate-specific antigen, PTGI Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, SSSS Satisfaction with Social Support Scale, TAU treatment as usual, TNF tumour necrosis factor, W weeks, WHOQOL-Bref World Health Organization Quality of Life – Bref