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Table 1 Summary of key components of cognitive behavioural therapy sessions delivered pre and post-surgery

From: Effect of perioperative cognitive behavioural therapy on chronic post-surgical pain among breast cancer patients with high pain catastrophising characteristics: protocol for a double-blinded randomised controlled trial





 Session 1:

1–2 weeks pre-surgery

60 min


Establish rapport

Discussing treatment rationale

Pain education

Relaxation methods


Gather personal history info

Discuss pain education re: relations between cognition, emotions, behaviour and consequences

Introduce concept of fear avoidance

Build awareness on the potential impact of stress and pain experience

Practice relaxation methods (PMR)

Homework: Monitoring cognitions, emotions and consequences; identify ‘challenging’ moments; practice PMR

 Session 2:

1–3 days pre-surgery

60 min


Discuss surgery and associated fears/emotions/cognitions

Validate these fears and support person’s emotional state

Focus discussion on any catastrophizing thoughts (e.g. “what if it goes wrong…,” “something bad might happen…,” etc.

Homework review

Relaxation practice

Defining ‘catastrophizing’ and ‘state anxiety’ linking to any relevant homework material

Explaining their importance in context of surgery and recovery from

Practicing the identification of anxiety and catastrophizing thoughts

Practicing cognitive restructuring (challenging and replacing catastrophic thoughts with more adaptive/helpful/constructive ‘facts’)

End with PMR exercise

Homework: PMR; continued mental monitoring and cog restructuring


 Session 3:

1–3 days post-surgery

60 min


Support participant post operatively

Validate their reported state of health/any concerns

Maintain conversational focus on catastrophizing tendencies, identifying them as they arise and reinforcing the ability to challenge, restructure, etc.

Homework review

Discussion of catastrophizing tendency perioperatively and its links to consequences

Discuss potential for fear avoidance and link to consequences

Discuss goals and barriers

Framing conversation around adaptive coping versus maladaptive coping

Acknowledge challenges

End with PMR exercise

Homework: continued PMR practice; continued mental monitoring to detect and challenge catastrophizing cognitions

 Session 4:

1–2 weeks post-surgery

60 min



Maintaining progress

Promoting continued practice

Homework review

Note and discuss progress

Validate scale of the experience

Contextualise content of thought processes and encourage continued cognitive restructuring in situations of ‘catastrophisation’

Reinforce continued PMR methods

Discuss medium term goals and barriers

Reviewing and summarising main learning points from the last few weeks