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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of participants (n = 182)

From: Association between blood glucose levels and Glasgow Outcome Score in patients with traumatic brain injury: secondary analysis of a randomized trial



Age (years), median (Q1–Q3)

50.00 (34.00–59.00)

Sex, n (%)



147 (80.77%)


35 (19.23%)

Pupil changes, n (%)



68 (37.36%)


114 (62.64%)

GCS before surgery, n (%)


 3 or 4

51 (28.02%)

 5 or 6

83 (45.60%)

 7 or 8

48 (26.37%)

APCHE II score before surgery, mean (SD)

28.73 ± 2.40

Blood glucose before surgery (mmol/L), mean (SD)

19.08 ± 2.25

GHb before surgery, %, mean (SD)

5.83 ± 0.96

CSF glucose during surgery (mmol/L), mean (SD)

5.26 ± 0.81

CSF LA during surgery (mmol/L), mean (SD)

4.06 ± 0.67

Average blood glucose level (mmol/L), mean (SD)

9.05 ± 2.68

  1. GCS Glasgow coma score, APCHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, GHb glycosylated hemoglobin, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, LA lactic acid