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Table 4 Framework for Implementation Fidelity (FIF) dimension scores, Composite adherence score, and corresponding data elements

From: Measuring implementation fidelity in a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial: development and use of a quantitative multi-component approach

Adherence dimension

Data element(s)

Data source(s)



High range NHs

1. Details of content

M&M core components data elements

Displayed Table 2

Data elements were scaled (1–3) and summed

Range: 7.0–14.0

Mean (SD): 9.6 (1.0)

11–14 (9 NHs)

2. Coverage

Number of residents exposed to M&M program

Initial Use Form

Number of completed Initial Use Forms

Range: 4.0–15.0

Mean (SD): 12.4 (3.5)

15 (9 NHs)

3. Frequency

In the past 2 weeks, how often have you used the music with the resident?

NH Staff Interview

% residents in NH with nurses using music at least once per week

Range: 0.0–1.0

Mean (SD): 0.4 (0.3)

0.67–1.0 (9 NHs)

4. Duration

Song title, duration, and total number of plays per resident playlist

iPod Metadata

Median minutes of played music per resident day exposed

Range: 0.0–99.0

Mean (SD): 29.8 (25.9)

30–99 (9 NHs)

Composite adherence score

Adherence Dimensions data elements

Adherence Dimensions Data Sources

Details of content, Coverage, Frequency, and Duration data elements scaled (1–3) and summed

Range: 4.0–12.0

Mean (SD): 8.0 (2.1)

9–12 (10 NHs)