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Table 1 Blood flow restriction and exercise intervention protocol

From: Blood flow restriction with different load levels in patients with knee osteoarthritis: protocol of a randomized controlled trial


BFR40% + rest*

BFR80% + rest*

BFR40% + LL*

BFR80% + LL*

HIRE + placebo*

BFR application

•40% of the total blood occlusion pressure, bilateral concomitantly.

• Time: determined by the average of the BFR + LL group, with a minimum time of 10 min, distributed in series of maximum 5 min of consecutive restriction, and 60 s of rest between series.

•80% of the total blood occlusion pressure, bilateral concomitantly.

• Time: determined by the average of the BFR + LL group, with a minimum time of 10 min, distributed in series of maximum 5 min of consecutive restriction, and 60 s of rest between series.

•40% of the total blood occlusion pressure, bilateral concomitantly.

•Time: used throughout the exercise period and deflated during rest between sets.

•80% of the total blood occlusion pressure, bilateral concomitantly.

•Time: used throughout the exercise period and deflated during rest between sets.

•10% of the total blood occlusion pressure (BFR placebo), bilateral concomitantly.

•Time: used throughout the exercise period and deflated during rest between sets.

Exercise application

• Rest in a sitting position.

• Rest in a sitting position.

• Mode: bilateral knee extension between 90° and 45°.

• Load: 30% of 1 RM.

• Series: determined by the equivalence of the training volume with the HIRE+placebo group with a maximum number of 15 repetitions per series.

•Rest: 60s between sets.

• Mode: bilateral knee extension between 90° and 45°.

• Load: 30% of 1 RM.

• Series: determined by the equivalence of the training volume with the HIRE+placebo group with a maximum number of 15 repetitions per series.

•Rest: 60s between sets.

• Mode: bilateral knee extension between 90° and 45°.

• Load: 80% of 1 RM.

• Series: 3 series of 8 repetitions.

• Rest: 60s between sets.

  1. BFR blood flow restriction, LL low load, HIRE high-intensity resistance exercise, RM repetition maximum. *Intervention applied twice a week for 16 consecutive weeks