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Table 2 PRACTIS step 3: data on potential barriers and facilitators to implementation of the ComeBACK interventions collected as part of the ComeBACK process evaluation

From: Planning implementation and scale-up of physical activity interventions for people with walking difficulties: study protocol for the process evaluation of the ComeBACK trial

Potential barriers and facilitators to implementation of the ComeBACK interventions

Individual level

Potential barriers and facilitators

Data source

Collected from


 Characteristics of the participants

Age, sex, ethnicity, mental health, socioeconomic status, education

Baseline demographic data and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale

All groups


Capability to participate in the ComeBACK interventions

Baseline level of mobility, physical activity and co-morbidities

Lower Limb Extremity Function and Disability questions; Walking capacity and use of aids, Incidental and Planned Exercise Questionnaire (IPEQ), Functional co-morbidity index

All groups


Baseline level of technology use

Technology exposure survey

All groups


Baseline pain in lower limbs

Pain-related questions and score

All groups


Falls history and balance confidence

Falls history and fear of falling

All groups


Self-efficacy to participate in the programme

Impressions of the program questionnaire Q5, 8

All groups

Gp 1 and 2—6mths

Gp 3—12mths

Confidence in ability to be physically active

Semi-structured interviews

Coaching: Int1 Q1; Int2 Q6 and 10; Int3 Q5

Texting: Int1 Q1; Int2 Q5 and 8; Int 3 Q5

Sample from Coaching to ComeBACK and Texting to ComeBACK groups

Int1: post-randomisation, prior to commencement of the intervention

Int2: 4–6mths post-randomisation

Problem solving skills (e.g. experiential learning)

Semi-structured interviews with participants

Int1 Q5

Int2 Q11

Int3 Q3

Sample from Coaching to ComeBACK and Texting to ComeBACK groups

Int1: prior to commencement of the intervention

Int2: 4–6mths post-randomisation

Int3: 9–12mths post-randomisation

Opportunity available to participate in the ComeBACK interventions

Suitable and affordable local opportunities to engage in physical activity (e.g. community-based programmes; home exercise programmes; website links sent regarding physical activity opportunities)

Health coach data logs

Coaching to ComeBACK


Impressions of the program questionnaire Q6

All groups

Gp 1 and 2—6mths

Gp 3—12mths

Semi-structured interviews with participants

Coaching: Int2 Q7

Texting: Int2 Q6

Sample from Coaching to ComeBACK and Texting to ComeBACK groups

Int2: 4–6mths post-randomisation

Access to resources, including technology, if desired.

Semi-structured interviews with participants

Coaching: Int2 Q9

Texting: Int2 Q7

Coaching to ComeBACK

Int2: 4–6mths post-randomisation

Impressions of the program questionnaire Q4

All groups

Gp 1 and 2—6mths

Gp 3—12mths

Changes in the environmental context impacting on opportunities to be physically active (e.g. COVID-19; bushfires)

Semi-structured interviews with participants in response

Coaching: Int1 Q8; Int2 Q1; Int3 Q1

Texting: Int1 Q9; Int2 Q1; Int3 Q1

Sample from Coaching to ComeBACK and Texting to ComeBACK groups

Int1: post-randomisation, prior to commencement of the intervention

Int2: 4–6mths post-randomisation

Impressions of the program questionnaire Q10

All groups

Gp 1 and 2—6mths

Gp 3—12mths

Informal feedback from participants via text message reply/emails to team/written letters/health coaching logs

All groups


Motivators to engage in the ComeBACK interventions

Acceptability of the interventions

Health coach data logs

Coaching to ComeBACK


Uptake and usage of activity monitors as recorded by health coaches in data logs

All groups


Semi-structured interviews

Coaching: Int2 Q1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9; Int3 Q6

Texting: Int2 Q1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10; Int3 Q6

Sample from Coaching to ComeBACK and Texting to ComeBACK groups

Int2: 4–6mths post-randomisation

Int3: 9–12mths post-randomisation

Rating the components of the intervention via the impressions of the program questionnaire

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 7

All groups

Gp 1 and 2—6mths

Gp 3—12mths

ComeBACK website usage data from Google analytics (number of visits; pages visited; time spent on site)

All groups


Text message delivery data from Web-based text messaging service (alterations in frequency of delivery or opt out)

Texting to ComeBACK and Texting to ComeBACK Later


Informal feedback from participants via text msg reply/emails to team/written letters

All groups


Withdrawal reasons reported in REDCap

All groups


Enjoyment of the interventions

Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES)

All groups

Baseline, 3mth, 6mth and 12mths

Experiences related to physical activity questionnaire

All groups

3mth, 6mths and 12mths

Impressions of the program questionnaire Q1, 2, 7, 8, 10

All groups

Gp 1 and 2—6mths

Gp 3—12mths

Therapeutic alliance

Working Alliance Inventory-Short Report (participant)

All groups

Gp 1 and 2—6mths

Gp 3—12mths

Semi-structured interviews with participants

Coaching: Int2 Qs 4, 5

Texting: Int2 Qs 4, 5

Sample from Coaching to ComeBACK and Texting to ComeBACK groups

Int2: 4–6mths post-randomisation

Attitude to physical activity

Attitudes to physical activity questionnaire

All groups

Baseline, 3mths, 6mths and 12mths

Provider level

Potential barriers and facilitators

Data source

Collected from

Time point

 Capacity of providers to deliver the ComeBACK interventions effectively

Provider experience, training and ongoing support/mentorship necessary to deliver interventions to this population safely and effectively.

Interview with health coaches

Int Q1

Health coaches

Toward the end of the trial period

Training log

Training log


Minutes from meetings with investigators and other health coaches engaged for supervision

Health coaches


Feasibility of a one-off physiotherapy assessment

Semi-structured interviews with local physiotherapists Int Q4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and health coaches Int Q8, 9

Local physiotherapists and health coaches

Toward the end of the trial period

Feasibility of providing physical activity advice without a physical assessment in this population

Interview with health coaches

Int Q9

Health coaches

Toward the end of the trial period

Therapeutic alliance

Work Alliance Inventory-Short Revised (Therapist)

All groups

Health coaches

Gp 1—6mths

Gp 2 and 3—after initial telephone call of tailored advice (approx. 2 weeks)

Interview with health coaches

Int Q16

Health coaches

Toward the end of the trial period

Understanding the providers preconceived biases of the effectiveness of the interventions

Interview with health coaches

Int Q4, 5

Health coaches

Toward the end of the trial period

 Can the interventions be delivered with fidelity?

One-off physiotherapy assessments are conducted with fidelity

Health coach data logs and Physiotherapy assessment forms

Coaching to ComeBACK


Fortnightly health coaching sessions (frequency, duration, behaviour change content)

Health coaching data logs

Checklist sample (10%) of content

Coaching to ComeBACK


One-off phone call of tailored advice (frequency duration and content)

Texting data logs

Checklist sample (10%) of content

Texting to ComeBACK

Texting to ComeBACK Later


Text messages delivered

Online SMS delivery service log

Texting to ComeBACK

Texting to ComeBACK Later


Physical activity plans developed and sent to the general practitioner/local doctor

Review log of physical activity plans sent to general practitioner/local doctor

All groups


 Provider perceptions on how the interventions can overcome the common barriers to physical activity identified by this population

Are the providers able to work with the commonly reported barriers to physical activity in this population?

Interview with health coaches

Int Q 2, 3, 16

Health coaches

Toward the end of the trial period

Organisational level

Potential barriers and facilitators

Data source

Collected from

Time point

 Implementation of the interventions

Ability to engage potential participants in the ComeBACK trial

Screening and recruitment databases

Trial admin


Advertising log

Trial admin


Staffing profile required for recruitment

Trial admin


Qualitative interviews/focus groups with other stakeholders

Staff from the allied health clinicians, health service managers, health promotion units

Throughout trial period

Integration of the interventions into current healthcare practices?

Impressions of the program questionnaire


All groups

Gp 1 and 2—6mths

Gp 3—12mths

 Sustainability of the intervention

Costings of setting up and delivering the intervention

Economic analyses of the ComeBACK trial*

All study groups and processes

Throughout trial period

Adaptations required during intervention delivery (e.g. follow up to text messages; tech support, email to participants)

Health coaching and texting data logs; reply messages received; phone calls received

All groups


Staffing profile and resources necessary to set up and deliver the interventions, and any additional tasks or costs to deliver the intervention

Resources and training log

Trial admin


Accessibility of required resources within existing health infrastructure

Resources utilised that have existing relationships with Health departments, e.g. SMS delivery service

Trial admin


Qualitative interviews/focus groups with stakeholders

Allied health clinicians, health service managers, health promotion units, general practitioner/local doctor

Toward the end of the trial period

Community/systems level

Potential barriers and facilitators

Data source

Collected from

Time point

 Dissemination of the programme

Dissemination of ComeBACK intervention by community and government

Semi-structured interviews or focus groups with staff from existing coaching infrastructure (e.g. Get Healthy NSW) and government policymakers re. implementation and scale-up of the ComeBACK interventions

Other stakeholders

Throughout trial period

Scope of the ComeBACK interventions to fit into existing infrastructure

Comparison between existing infrastructure (e.g. Get Healthy NSW) and requirements of the ComeBACK interventions

Collated information from trial processes and stakeholder interviews

Throughout trial period

  1. Int interview, Gp group, PA physical activity, mth/s month/s, SMS short messaging service, Gp 1 Coaching to ComeBACK, Gp 2 Texting to ComeBACK, Gp 3 Texting to ComeBACK Later
  2. *Economic evaluation will be conducted independently of this process evaluation