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Table 2 Categorization and description of the methods and analyses of the study variables

From: The effect of passive mobilization associated with blood flow restriction and combined with electrical stimulation on cardiorespiratory safety, neuromuscular adaptations, physical function, and quality of life in comatose patients in an ICU: a randomized controlled clinical trial

Evaluation category

Organic responses

Method of evaluation

Variables in analyses

Safety and applicability

Acute cardiovascular

Pulse wave analysis (PWA)

MAP, SBPc, SBPp, DBPc, and DBPp (mmHg)

Safety and applicability

Acute cardiovascular

Analyses of the vital signs

HR (bpm) and SpO2 (%)

Muscle systems

Muscle mass adaptation

Ultrasound image

Muscle thickness (cm)

Muscle systems

Muscle quality adaptation

Ultrasound image

Echo intensity (A. U. from 0 to 256)

Neuromuscular systems

Global muscle strength adaptations

Medical Research Council (MRC) Score

Number scoring (0 to 60)

Physical function

Adaptations in physical function in ICU

Physical Function in the Intensive Care Test Scored (PFIT)

Number scoring (0 to 12)

Physical function

Adaptations in physical functional performance after hospital discharge

Performance in the basic activities of daily living by the Barthel Index (BI) by telephone interview

Number scoring (0 to 100)

Clinical outcomes

Adaptations in quality of life

Medical Outcome Study 36 – Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) questionnaire

Number scoring (0 to 100)

  1. SBPc central systolic blood pressure, SBPp peripheral systolic blood pressure, DBPc central diastolic blood pressure, DBPp peripheral diastolic blood pressure, HR heart rate, MAP mean arterial pressure, SpO2 peripheral oxygen saturation, ICU intensive care unit