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Table 1 Malaria epidemiology in the project countries

From: Evaluating the efficacy, impact, and feasibility of community-based house screening as a complementary malaria control intervention in southern Africa: a study protocol for a household randomized trial






Malaria prevalence/incidence

Prevalence 9% in 2018 for under 5’s.

Weighted prevalence of 38.9% in 2018

Incidence 20.5/1000 population in 2016


Primary vectors

An. funestus

An. gambiae s.s

An. arabiensis [31]

An. gambiae s.l.

An. funestus s.l.

An. gambiae s.l.

An. funestus s.l.

[28, 32, 33]

Secondary vectors

An. coustani, An. squamosus, An. pretoriensis

An. rufipes

An. coustani, An. tenebrosus, An. ziemanni.

An. coustani, An. natalensis, An. pretoriensis


Primary parasite prevalence

P. falciparum (95%)

P. ovale (2%)

P. malariae (3%)

P. falciparum (90%)

P. malariae (9%)

P. ovale (1%)

P. falciparum (98%)

P. ovale &

P. malariae (2%)

[28, 29, 33]

Insecticide resistance

Both An. funestus and

An. gambiae s.s. resistant to deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, permethrin and DDT.

Both An. funestus s.l. and

An. gambiae s.l. resistant to deltamethrin, alphacypermethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, permethrin and DDT in some areas of Mozambique.

An. arabiensis reported to be resistant to DDT and permethrin. An. funestus was reported to be resistant to carbamates and pyrethroids. An. gambiae s.l. reported to be resistant to bendiocarb and lambda-cyhalothrin.

[29, 33, 39]

Malaria control tools

IRS, LLINs, IPTP, RDTs, and case management using ACTs [40].

IRS, LLINs, RDTs, case management using ACTs, Social & Behaviour Communication Change (SBCC) and entomological monitoring and surveillance.

IRS, LLINs, RDTs, case management using ACTs, therapeutic efficacy testing (TET), Community-based management of malaria, IPTP, and entomological surveillance.

[29, 33, 40]

Transmission season




[28, 30, 33]