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Table 1 Key features of explanatory versus pragmatic clinical trialsa

From: PRagMatic Pediatric Trial of Balanced vs nOrmaL Saline FlUid in Sepsis: study protocol for the PRoMPT BOLUS randomized interventional trial

Study element

Explanatory clinical trial

Pragmatic clinical trial

Considerations for PRoMPT BOLUS


Mechanism or efficacy


Comparative effectiveness of two existing standards of care

Study population

Restrictive, homogeneous (“ideal” target population)

Heterogeneous (“real-world” clinical practice)

Children treated with fluid therapy for suspected septic shock with abnormal perfusion as per treating clinician judgment


Inflexible, strictly enforced

Usual practice #1

Balanced/buffered crystalloid fluid (site/clinician preference to use lactated Ringer’s, PlasmaLyte, or Hartmann’s)


Inflexible, placebo, or usual practice

Usual practice #2

0.9% saline

Data collection

Extensive, labor-intensive

Targeted, limited

Targeted and limited to essential data to ensure balance in key covariates between study groups and to collect all outcomes

Protocol implementation and oversight

Dedicated study team assists with enrollment and study procedures

Treating clinicians carry out study procures embedded within clinical practice

Emergency physicians will be trained to screen, enroll, randomize, and initiate study fluids for bolus and maintenance therapy

Protocol adherence

Closely monitored with tight parameters

Unobtrusive or none

Guidance provided to treating clinicians to use randomized study fluid for bolus and maintenance fluid therapy from randomization through 11:59 PM of the following calendar day; non-study fluids allowed for specific clinical indications at clinicians’ judgment. Final adherence defined as receipt of ≥75% of total crystalloid administered by type assigned in the intervention phase.


Specialized experts often involved in quantifying study endpoints that are direct consequence of intervention

Endpoints are objective, clinically meaningful, and easily measured as part of routine clinical practice

MAKE30, mortality, hospital-free days, adverse events, and biomarkers all defined with objective criteria; effectiveness and safety outcomes all patient-centered.


Intention-to treat with interpretation that intervention improves outcomes under “ideal” conditions

Intention-to-treat with interpretation that intervention improves outcomes under “usual” conditions

Intention-to-treat analysis will be interpreted as the comparative effectiveness between predominant—rather than exclusive—use of balanced/buffered fluids versus 0.9% saline


Variable (though often low)

Variable (though typically high)

Expected to be highly generalizable


Relatively high

Relatively low

Relatively low for large clinical trial

  1. aAdapted from Thorpe et al Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2009