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Table 2 Summary of reporting outcome measures

From: Effectiveness of deep cervical fascial manipulation and yoga postures on pain, function, and oculomotor control in patients with mechanical neck pain: study protocol of a pragmatic, parallel-group, randomized, controlled trial


Methods of analysis

Primary outcome measure

 NPRS (change of pain score during last week) [∆t0 → t3m→ t6m ]

Repeated measures ANOVA

Secondary outcome measures

 PSFS (change of functions score) [∆t0 - t4 ], [∆t0 → t3m→ t6m ]

Repeated measures ANOVA

 FABQ [∆t0 → t3m → t6m ]

 EEROM [∆t0 → t3m ]

 Myofascial stiffness [∆t0 → t3m ]

 Oculomotor control [∆t0 → t3m ]

  1. NPRS numerical pain rating scale, PSFS patient-specific functional scale, FABQ fear-avoidance behavior questionnaire, EEROM elbow extension range of motion
  2. t0 baseline, t1 week 1, t2 week 2, t3 week 3, t4 week 4, t3m 3 months following the 1st treatment session, t6m 6 months following the 1st treatment session