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Table 1 Pre-DICTED program 12-session core curriculum

From: The Pre-Diabetes Interventions and Continued Tracking to Ease-out Diabetes (Pre-DICTED) program: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Session 1: Introduction to Pre-DICTED Program and Nutrition Workshop 1: Learn to Eat Healthy today

Instil commitment to the Pre-DICTED Program by understanding the importance of lifestyle intervention in diabetes prevention. Highlight the two study goals: 5% weight loss and 150 minutes of weekly physical activity.

Understand what diabetes is and how to adopt healthy eating habits as well as how food can affect blood sugars. Introduce tips to manage blood sugar levels through dietary modifications. Learn about food labels and Healthier Choice Symbols. Understand food composition and types of carbohydrates.

Session 2: Nutrition Workshop 2: Taking Charge of One’s Meals

Explore sugar content in common foods and drinks. Encourage participants to minimize intake of food and drinks with added sugars. Learn about “good fats” and “bad fats”. Learn about the beneficial effects of fiber and sources of fiber. Educate on healthier cooking methods. Introduce tips to self-monitor food intake and build healthy eating habits. Develop a plan for carrying out the changes.

Sessions 3 to 11: Exercise sessions: Living a Healthy Life Through Physical Activities

Introduce basic principles of physical activity and work towards a minimum of 150 minutes of weekly physical activity over the next 6 weeks. Encourage attendance at group supervised exercise sessions. Experience a range of physical activities, including aerobic and stretching exercises, that is fun and inclusive to invoke continuity in exercising. Learn how to measure heart rate and perceived level of exertion as a way of determining the appropriate levels of activity. Begin self-monitoring of physical activity.

Session 12: Goal setting

Develop an action plan for physical activity and healthy eating. Learn to find the time to be physically active each day by including short bouts (10–15 min) of activities and record the duration of physical activity. Record food intake and plan for healthy and balanced meals. Start self-monitoring of body weight with intention to achieve study goal of 5% weight loss.