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Table 3 Research participants’ views on information and explanations given during the informed consent process

From: An evaluation of the process of informed consent: views from research participants and staff


Number of respondents (%), n=169

I feel that the information I was given about the study was:

 About right

156 (93%)

 Not enough

9 (5%)

 Too much

2 (1%)

 Didn’t answer

2 (1%)

I feel that the research staff explained the study:

 Explained the study very well

100 (60%)

 Explained the study fairly well

58 (34%)

 Didn’t explain the study well

9 (5%)

 Didn’t answer

2 (1%)

I feel that the research information leaflet and consent form I was given was:

 Very Easy to understand

48 (29%)

 Easy to understand

71 (42%)

 Fairly Easy to understand

39 (23%)

 Fairly Hard to understand

0 (0%)

 Hard to understand

5 (3%)

 Very Hard to understand

4 (2%)

 Didn’t answer

2 (1%)

I was:

 Encouraged to ask questions

140 (83%)

 Not encouraged to ask questions

25 (15%)

 Didn’t answer

4 (2%)

My questions:

 Were answered well

126 (74%)

 Were not answered well

6 (4%)

 N/A – didn’t have any questions

32 (19%)

 Didn’t answer

5 (3%)

I understood the research study:

 Very well

76 (45%)


46 (28%)

 Fairly well

34 (20%)

 Not very well

5 (3%)

 Not at all

4 (2%)

 Didn’t answer

4 (2%)