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Table 5 Sample size calculations for the three RCTs including medical substudies

From: Effectiveness of an interactive web-based health program for adults: a study protocol for three concurrent controlled-randomized trials (EVA-TK-Coach)

Health goals

“Increasing Fitness“

“Losing and Maintaining Weight”

“Smoking Cessation“


Online questionnaire study

Online-questionnaire study + medical substudy:

Online questionnaire study

Online-questionnaire study + medical substudy:

Online questionnaire study

Primary outcome

Physical activity (BSA)

questionnaire study: physical activity (BSA);

medical examinations: VO2 max

Weight loss

Questionnaire study + medical examinations: weight loss

Abstinence from smoking

Effect assumption for primary outcome

effect size = 0.25

questionnaire study: effect size = 0.25 ; medical examinations: effect size = 0.45

Effect size = 0.50

Effect size = 0.50

15% in intervention group versus 2% in control group

Required case-number results (two-sided, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.80)

253 (for each intervention group IG and control group CG)1

79 (for each IG and CG)2

253 (for each IG and CG)1,3

64 (for each IG and CG)2

77 (for each IG and CG)

(assumed dropout)

minimally required sample size


506 (for each IG and CG)


93 (for each IG and CG)


506 (for each IG and CG)


75 (for each IG and CG)


154 (for each IG and CG)

total sample size (IG + CG + ca. 10% buffer for questionnaire study

(506 + 506) × 1.1

N = 1.114

(93 + 93)

N = 186

(506 + 506) × 1.1

N = 1.114

(75 + 75)

N = 150

(154 + 154) × 1.1

N = 339

  1. IG = intervention group (specific online coach for the health goal chosen), CG = control group (specific health information for the health goal chosen)
  2. 1As we aimed to assess the groups undergoing additional medical exams separately from those only completing the online questionnaire, the former group’s sample size is not included in this calculation
  3. 2As the questionnaire study’s outcomes are secondary for this group, our required sample size refers to the medical exam’s outcome
  4. 3As physical activity is a key secondary outcome for the Lose Weight group, we have considered both primary and secondary outcomes (physical activity) in determining the required sample size